Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • An Update on Services through LyonHeart Wellness…

    I sincerely hope this note finds you very well and healthy on all levels.  In these times with so many challenges and concerns, I offer the greatest energy, support, knowledge, coaching, and evidence-based integrative medical information through my services for all of us to navigate through the rapid changes.   I’ve recently returned to Colorado,…

  • Dream Circles

    Happy Valentine’s Day! To spread the love and joy, I am bringing in 12 people who are interested in sharing in the sacred space of an ongoing Dream Circle (virtually for now so you can be anywhere in the country or world). This initial meeting will be next Saturday, February 20, virtually, from 4 to…

  • Ku Shen

    These young straplings will grow to be 5 foot bushes, so hopefully by the time I need the space and land it will be obvious! Chinese Herbal MedicinalChinese Therapeutics: Clears Heat and Dries Dampness, Dispels Wind, Kills Parasites, and Relieves Itching, Promotes UrinationNot to be used in patients with Spleen and Stomach deficiency and cold.…

  • Sweet Basil as a Medicinal Herb

    I am enjoying my currently itty bitty medicinal herbal garden. I’m planting both Chinese and Western medicinal herbs in an indoor garden and am showcasing each as they sprout or are prepared into their medicinal forms. Today’s herb is the well-known Sweet Basil, Ocimum basilicum L., Herba Ocimi, and Jiu Ceng Ta, Lou Le (Mandarin).…

  • Healthy Sleep Workshop, SACRED MOUNTAIN HERBAL BLEND, and more!

    Healthy Sleep Workshop, SACRED MOUNTAIN HERBAL BLEND, and more!

    I continue to take appointments for Pharmacogenomics and Nutrigenomics: DNA testing and consulting for how your genetics can affect your medication use, nutrition, movement, stress-response and more.  I greatly appreciate your positive response to this exciting new offering and great way to learn much more about yourself and your health and optimize your medication and…

  • Pharmacogenomics and you!

    Greetings! It has been wonderful to carefully connect with those who are local and to return to safe acupuncture practice in the last couple of weeks. Thank you for your support in sharing my information in referral. Today I’m sharing a bit more on Pharmacist and Integrative Wellness services I offer through LyonHeart Wellness. Have…

  • Inspired to Find and Try Recipes for Fermentation? I am.

    Explore this Body of Wonder podcast on the fascinating topic of the microbiome the Sonnenbergs research team at Stanford. Research is beginning to show the importance of having a flourishing microbiome and steps we can take to improve it, including some of the most recent information on how to use (and which) probiotics to use…

  • COVID Recovery Meditation

      My Gift to You: Currently available for no charge.  Indulge in a relaxing meditation journey tapping into the body’s innate self-healing abilities using breathwork and guided imagery promoting a balanced immune response, deep calm, and healed tissues, organs with optimal function.  This meditation is suitable for both acute illness and ongoing symptoms. If you’d…

  • COVID19 Exposure and Symptoms and Illness 2020

    I flew to Tucson, AZ, on March 7, three airports and two airplanes, Eugene to San Francisco to Tucson for an Integrative Medicine Fellowship residential week with approximately 70 medical doctor fellows. We spent the residential week in relative proximity, in classrooms and at meals, and maintaining only a small amount of social distance as…

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